dialog with a son

EC: Alguien a tocado algo se a salido mi cuenta de revolut no se porque
Y no me deja entrar

: yo no he hecho tocado nada
Yo haria estos intento:
1. Apagar- encender
2. desisntalar/instalar
3. contactar con Revolut

: No ha servido nada de eso
Cuando tengas tiempo
Me escribes y hacemos lo siguiente:
(imagine con instrucciones desde la app)
Mándame foto del Código QR

:(envía imagen con código QR)
No se cuanto tiempo es válido el QR code. . Si necesitas, hoy tengo tiempo, hasta la 19:30 (hora España). A la 20:00 tengo que tomar vuelo. Si no mañana.

EC: No funciona ya te dije que me avisarás antes me lo puedes mandar en 1h y 15min por favor

Padre:OK, te lo envio en 1h15 min . a la 16:15 de España
No me dijiste que te avisara antes. Vola basso niño.

EC: “Me escribes”
Y luego hacemos lo siguiente
Primero me escribes y luego cuando te contestase lo hacíamos a ver si lees los mensajes
“Volar bajo” no es una opción cuando sé que estoy en lo correcto

: No hay problema para mí para en desarrollar este tema. El importante es no empezar y dejarlo a mitad.
La última tu frase fue: “Mándame foto del Código QR”.
Y es una mentira que me dijiste que te avisara antes.
Quedo a la espera. Cuando hemos desarrollado esto, haremos lo demás.
Por favor recuerda que: el tiempo es dinero. Si necesitas ayuda da alguien no dar órdenes. Buscar la verdad es fundamental.

Concorso letterario sul paesaggio

2022 Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Cagliari e Oristano. Concorso nazionale “linee di paesaggio”
2° classificato, nella sezione narrativa


Arrivò il virus, e si usciva di casa solo per lo stretto necessario. Poi scesero i lupi dalle montagne. Apparvero anche gli orsi. Nessuno osava più mettere piede fuori. Infine arrivò l’acqua alta. Sì, l’acqua alta fino a Nuoro. Chi l´avrebbe mai detto!

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The power of irony

Last month I had a transfer in Madrid airport (Barajas). In the recent built terminal T, I had the luck to witness, with much pleasure, the power of irony.

Every so many seats there are some reserved for people in need (disabled, pregnant, elderly,….). These seats are well marked on the floor with a special yellow sign.

We know that there are people who don’t give a damn about the others and just do as they please.

At Barajas they had surely this in mind and had a wonderful idea to deal with antisocial behaviour

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the mouse-remember man

In these days all around the city there is a poster advertising the new film  “the november man”.
Walking outside, on every corner we are confronted with this face pointing a gun full of aggression.
Despite knowing it’s just an advertising it still transmits a bad taste, it pollutes the atmosphere of what I consider a joyful city, now embellished by the blossoming trees of spring.

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A parrot above cloud

What happened to me two days ago has deeply chanced me. During my last flight I was taking picture out of the window. I love flying above cloud and I’ve quite a collection of sky picture from airplane window.

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My last experience with Hertz

I had a terrible experience with Hertz rent a car.

This is what I faced with this company :
■Hertz employ in Italy telling me lies.
■Inexisting aftersale customer service in Italy. Maybe they exist but they do not answer to clients.
■Dutch customer service answer, but act like they ignore client’s questions.
■Dutch customer service threatening to charge extra money.
■A general a sense of being treated like an idiot.

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


Just one light

2009 Targetti, Light Tale Competition, 3d place.

I get up early in the morning, when the rays of the sun begin to filter in through the rolling shutters. The white wall to the right of my bed lights up with lots of slivers of sun. Butterflies of dust glint on the corners of the furniture, and my barely furnished bedroom fills with life.

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